Y al fin llego el día de ver a The Winery Dogs !!!!
And finally, the day to watch live The Winery Dogs comes.!!!!
![The Winery Dogs](https://www.drfrankensguitar.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Winery-02-1908-1024x683.jpg)
The Winery Dogs
Comenzaba el concierto en las sala Progresja de Varsovia con una cantante sueca desconocida para mí. Llamada Martina Edoff, practicaba un AOR melódico o Hard Rock melódico de los que se estilaban en los 80 y que bien presentado y ejecutado pero no me llego del todo.
The concert begins at Warsaw Progresja Club with an unknown swedish singer for me. Called Martina Edoff, they performed a melodic AOR or melodic Hard Rock. For me, and of similar to the music done in the 80’s, well performed and with very professional band surrounding her but that’s not my kind of music.
![Martina Edoff](https://www.drfrankensguitar.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Winery-08-1950-1024x683.jpg)
Martina Edoff
![Martina Edoff](https://www.drfrankensguitar.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Winery-17-1953-683x1024.jpg)
Martina Edoff
![Martina Edoff](https://www.drfrankensguitar.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Winery-16-1953-683x1024.jpg)
Martina Edoff
La banda que tocaba junto a ella lo hizo con toda la entrega y el público lo recibió como una buena introducción para lo que nos esperaba. Unos 50 minutos (lo que no está nada mal para un grupo telonero). Como curiosidad apuntar que el bajista del grupo era el mismo que toco con Therion unas semanas antes en Cracovia.
The band that played with her performed with all their passion and the public received it as a good introduction to what we expected. 50 minutes (which is not bad for a support act). Just a comment, I think that the bassist was the same who played with Therion few weeks before in Krakow.
![Martina Edoff](https://www.drfrankensguitar.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Winery-13-1952-1024x683.jpg)
Martina Edoff
![Martina Edoff](https://www.drfrankensguitar.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Winery-03-1942-1024x683.jpg)
Martina Edoff
![Martina Edoff](https://www.drfrankensguitar.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Winery-14-1953-1024x683.jpg)
Martina Edoff
![Martina Edoff](https://www.drfrankensguitar.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Winery-18-2018-1024x683.jpg)
Martina Edoff
Y la noche prometía estar a tope puesto que, con todas las entradas vendidas, era un seguro de que el público estaría entregado a la causa de The Winery Dogs. Con un supergrupo con Richie Kotzen, Billy Sheehan y el inefable Mike Portnoy, no se podía esperar más que una lección magistral para los entendidos y un baño de experiencias para los neófitos. Pero debo decir que nos dieron mucho mas que eso.
And the night promised to be on fire, with the concert sold out, it was a fact that the public were anxious to see The Winery Dogs. With a supergroup with Richie Kotzen, Billy Sheehan and Mike Portnoy, you could not expect more than a masterclass for connoisseurs and bath experiences for neophytes. But I must say that they gave much more than this.
![The Winery Dogs](https://www.drfrankensguitar.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Winery-20-2048-683x1024.jpg)
The Winery Dogs
![The Winery Dogs](https://www.drfrankensguitar.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Winery-21-2054-683x1024.jpg)
The Winery Dogs
![The Winery Dogs](https://www.drfrankensguitar.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Winery-24-2055-1024x683.jpg)
The Winery Dogs
![The Winery Dogs](https://www.drfrankensguitar.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Winery-28-2056-1024x683.jpg)
The Winery Dogs
![The Winery Dogs](https://www.drfrankensguitar.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Winery-58-2105-1024x683.jpg)
The Winery Dogs
Ya nos avisaba de lo que iba a acontecer la duración de la actuación de los teloneros. Nos ponía sobre aviso que en esta ocasión, el precio de la entrada estaría justificado por la duración del mismo. Mención aparte merece el precio de la entrada. Siendo sábado y en Varsovia el concierto costaba en torno a los 25€ cuando al día siguiente en Berlín costaba 45€ (!!!!).
We were already warned that the concert would be special after the duration for the concert of the support band. We must say that, this time, the ticket would be plenty justified by a longer concert for today’s standards. A special mention deserves the ticket price. Being Saturday evening at Warsaw concert the price was around € 25 when the next day in Berlin the same concert cost 45 € (!!!!).
![The Winery Dogs](https://www.drfrankensguitar.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Winery-32-2057-1024x683.jpg)
The Winery Dogs
![The Winery Dogs](https://www.drfrankensguitar.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Winery-26-2056-1024x683.jpg)
The Winery Dogs
![The Winery Dogs](https://www.drfrankensguitar.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Winery-42-2100-1024x683.jpg)
The Winery Dogs
![The Winery Dogs](https://www.drfrankensguitar.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Winery-53-2104-683x1024.jpg)
The Winery Dogs
Está claro que, pese a la subida que han experimentado los precios de las entradas en los últimos tiempos en Polonia, al menos los precios son «ligeramente» más populares que en otros países limítrofes.
It is clear that, despite increases which have experienced ticket prices in recent times in Poland, at least the prices are «slightly» more popular than in other neighboring countries.
Pero señores, lo que vino después fue algo sencillamente espectacular. Una demostración de técnica como hacia tiempo que no veía.
But my dear readers, what came next was something spectacular. A demonstration of technique as long ago I had no chance to see.
![The Winery Dogs](https://www.drfrankensguitar.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Winery-59-2109-1024x683.jpg)
The Winery Dogs
![The Winery Dogs](https://www.drfrankensguitar.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Winery-38-2059-1024x683.jpg)
The Winery Dogs
![The Winery Dogs](https://www.drfrankensguitar.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Winery-29-2056-1024x683.jpg)
The Winery Dogs
Empezando con Richie Kotzen y su rasgueo de la guitarra tocando sin púa y con una velocidad y precisión maestra. Ademas de una voz melódica que me impactó en directo.
Beginning with Richie Kotzen and his guitar playing technique without pick and with a masterful speed and precision. In addition, worth to mention a melodic voice that struck me with his live performance.
Siguiendo con Billy Sheehan y su dominio del bajo, que manera de apoyar a Mike Portnoy en la base rítmica. Resultaba increíble como solo con 3 músicos llenaban tanto el escenario de Progresja (que es realmente grande….).
Following with Billy Sheehan and his mastery of the bass guitar, what a way to support the awesome drumming from Mike Portnoy. It was amazing how only 3 musicians packed the Progresja scenario (which is really great ….).
![The Winery Dogs](https://www.drfrankensguitar.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Winery-26-2056-1024x683.jpg)
The Winery Dogs
![The Winery Dogs](https://www.drfrankensguitar.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Winery-56-2104-683x1024.jpg)
The Winery Dogs
![The Winery Dogs](https://www.drfrankensguitar.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Winery-31-2057-683x1024.jpg)
The Winery Dogs
Una sala completamente llena se entregaba por completo a la banda, y es que uno de los secretos de The Winery Dogs es que la base de todo son las canciones y no la técnica. En otras aventuras de Mike Portnoy como Flying Colors o Transatlantic domina mas la vertiente progresiva pero en este caso se agradece esa aproximación mas directa y eso gana mucho.
The Audience gave themselves completely to the band, and for me, the key of The Winery Dogs is that the basis are the songs and not the technique. In other musical adventures of Mike Portnoy as Flying Colors or Transatlantic dominates more progressive side but in this case the more direct approach is appreciated and it makes that the live experience is more straight.
En ello tiene mucha influencia Mr Kotzen que aporta unas lineas vocales geniales y que me dejo absolutamente extasiado con su actuación.
It has much influence Mr Kotzen that delivers a great vocal lines and leave me in absolutely ecstatic with his performance.
![The Winery Dogs](https://www.drfrankensguitar.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Winery-40-2100-1024x683.jpg)
The Winery Dogs
![The Winery Dogs](https://www.drfrankensguitar.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Winery-35-2057-683x1024.jpg)
The Winery Dogs
![The Winery Dogs](https://www.drfrankensguitar.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Winery-60-2109-1024x683.jpg)
The Winery Dogs
Creo que su concierto fue uno de los mejores que presenciare en 2016. De hecho el Dr. Pretorius ya me había avisado que en en Bilbao fue algo espectacular también,…..
I think the concert was one of the best who I expect to witness in 2016. In fact Dr. Pretorius had warned me that Bilbao was spectacular too.
Grandísimo concierto de una banda que mostró en directo que disfrutan tocando juntos y eso se trasladó al público durante las 2 horas que estuvieron con nosotros.
Great concert of a band that showed live how they enjoy playing together and that was trespass to the audience during the two hours that were with us.
![The Winery Dogs](https://www.drfrankensguitar.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Winery-45-2100-1024x683.jpg)
The Winery Dogs
![The Winery Dogs](https://www.drfrankensguitar.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Winery-50-2103-683x1024.jpg)
The Winery Dogs
![The Winery Dogs](https://www.drfrankensguitar.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Winery-33-2057-1024x683.jpg)
The Winery Dogs
Espero que continúen su aventura juntos y nos visiten en mas ocasiones, porque ya sabemos que Portnoy es un culo inquieto pero tal vez esta banda le convenza para extender su recorrido.
I hope that they continue their adventure together and visit us more often, because we know that Portnoy is a restless person but maybe this band could convince him to extend their legacy.
![The Winery Dogs](https://www.drfrankensguitar.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Winery-25-2055-1024x683.jpg)
The Winery Dogs
The Winery Dogs setlist
- Oblivion
- Captain Love
- We Are One
- Hot Streak
- How Long
- Time Machine
- Empire
- Fire
- Think it Over
- The Other Side
- Bass Solo
- Ghost Town
- I’m No Angel
- Elevate
- Regret
- Desire