La Batalla de las Bahías. Battle of the Bays
La lucha entre la costa Este y la Oeste de EEUU. Así se presentaba la gira que traía a Katowice a 4 bandas con propuestas muy diferentes musicalmente hablando (siempre dentro del metal).
The fight between the East Coast and the West of the USA. This was the tour that brought to Katowice 4 bands in a row with very different musical proposal (always within the metal).


El comienzo de la fría tarde-noche fue para King Parrot. Los australianos, parte de la discográfica de Phil Anselmo (Housecore Records) eran seguramente la banda mas dura de todas ellas o al menos con una propuesta mas cercana al grindcore.
The start of the cold and snowy late-night was for the King Parrot. The Australians, part of Phil Anselmo’s Housecore Records were surely the hardest band of all or, at least, with the proposal more closer to grindcore.

King Parrot

King Parrot

King Parrot

King Parrot
Consiguieron con su entrega y su puesta en escena enloquecida meterse en el bolsillo al publico que les vitorearon animadamente al final de sus 30 minutos de actuación.
They got with their fury and their crazed performance the public on their hands that cheered them at the end of their 30 minutes of performance.

King Parrot

King Parrot

King Parrot

King Parrot
Tras unos pequeños ajustes en el escenario, era el momento de Prong.y al frente de ellos Tommy Victor, incombustible líder de la banda y que ha formado parte de Ministry o suele girar con Danzig (como en las ocasiones que he tenido oportunidad de verle).
After a few small adjustments on the stage, it was Prong’s moment, and Tommy Victor, the band’s leader, who has been part of Ministry or nowadays also with Danzig (at least the times I’ve had the chance to see him).




Su propuesta contó con un poco menos de animación por parte del publico ya que su musica es menos directa o agresiva. Sonaron algunos temas de Cleansing, probablemente su disco mas reverenciado y Snap Your Fingers fue tal vez una de las mas coreadas.
Their proposal had a colder reception from the audience due to the fact that their music is less direct or aggressive than King Parrot. They played some songs of the album Cleansing, probably their most revered album and Snap Your Fingers was perhaps one of the most chanted.




Prong. Setlist


Tal vez no contaron con el beneplácito del publico pero son una banda que ha influenciado a muchas otras y, de hecho, pudimos ver a Steve Souza disfrutar desde un lado de su actuación. Yo la disfrute también.
Maybe they didn’t catch the whole audience but they are a band that has influenced many others and, in fact, we could see Steve Souza enjoy from one side of his performance. I enjoyed their concert as well.
A continuación, tiempo para el Trash Metal de la Costa Oeste por parte de Exodus. Con la vuelta de Steve Souza a las voces, la banda se presenta con un nuevo impulso y debo decir que me gusto mucho mas la banda que con Rob Dukes. Se veía a un Steve que disfruta tocando con Exodus y que con una dinámica mas positiva con el publico que su anterior cantante.
Then time for the West Coast Trash by Exodus. With the return of Steve Souza to the vocals, the band is presented with a new energy and I must say that I liked the band much more than with Rob Dukes. It was a fact see that Steve enjoys playing with Exodus and he got a more positive dynamic with the audience than their previous singer.




La ausencia de Gary Holt le resto un poco de presencia a Exodus (su sustituto cubrir la baja de manera digna, pero no se puede sustituir el carisma de Holt) pero el concierto en general fue muy bueno con una gran cantidad de temas antiguos.
The absence of Gary Holt on guitar was quite notorious on stage for Exodus (his substitute cover it plenty of attitude, but he couldn’t substitute the charisma of Holt) but, even with this setback, the concert was very good with lot of old stuff.
Este fue el repertorio que tocaron
This was the repertoire they played
- The Ballad Of Leonard And Charles
- Blood In Blood Out
- And Then There Were None
- Deranged
- Body Harvest
- Piranha
- Blacklist
- War Is My Shepherd
- Bounded By Blood
- Toxic Waltz
- Strike Of The Beast





Exodus. Steve Souza really enjoyed the concert.

Para finalizar, era el momento de Obituary desde Florida y uno de los grandes veteranos dentro del Death Metal.
Finally, it was Obituary’s moment. From Florida and one of the great veterans within Death Metal they come to take no prisioners.





Han pasado por algunos cambios pero llevan un tiempo estabilizados desde el ultimo cambio en la guitarra solista pasando de Ralph Santolla a Kenny Andrews y ahora mismo son una autentica apisonadora (como lo comprobamos en la sala Progresja hace un tiempo: Deathcrusher Tour).
They had been through some changes but they have been stabilized since the last change in the solo guitar going from Ralph Santolla to Kenny Andrews and right now they are a real steamroller (as we checked in the Progresja club some time ago: Deathcrusher Tour).






En su caso también fue un repertorio muy centrado en sus 2 primeros álbumes (Slowly We Rot y Cause Of Death).
In their concert, they also went for a setlist mostly centered in their 2 first albums (Slowly We Rot and Cause Of Death).
Para mi gusto, hubiese preferido un repertorio que recorriese de manera mas amplia su discografía y con una duración mayor. Eso si, estoy seguro que mucha gente no opinaba lo mismo respecto a la elección de los temas.
For my taste, I would have preferred a setlist that would go more broadly through their discography and with a longer performance. For sure, many people wouldn’t agree with me but that’s my opinion. I also like a lot some other older stuff (The End cOmplete or World Demise) as some of the new stuff.






El repertorio de temas:
The setlist:
- Internal Bleeding
- Words Of Evil
- Chopped Into Half / Turned Inside Out
- Intoxicated
- Visions In My Head
- Deadly Intentions
- Bloodsoaked
- 10.000 Ways To Die
- Dying
- Find The Arise
- Til’ Death
- Don’t Care
- Dethroned Emperor
- Circle Of The Tyrants
- Slowly We Rot


De todos modos, sonaron muy bien y volvieron a demostrar que sus conciertos son garantía de calidad 100%
Anyway, they sounded really good and they confirmed once more that their concerts are 100% quality guarantee.
Una gran velada organizada por Metal Mind Productions a quienes les agradecemos las facilidades para realizar el reportaje.
A top-notch concert organized by Metal Mind Productions to whom we thank for this great evening.