Si hace unas décadas alguien me hubiese preguntado si prefería un concierto de GNR o uno de Killing Joke, sin lugar a dudas me hubiese decantado por los angelinos. Y es que por aquel entonces estaban en pleno auge (y mi conocimiento acerca de Killing Joke era muy limitado).
If a few decades ago someone had asked me if I would preferred to assist to a GNR concert or Killing Joke one, I would have elected one of the Los Angeles. Because, at that time, they were completely “on fire” (and my knowledge about Killing Joke was more limited).
Pero pasado el tiempo y cuando aumentan las canas, todo cambia para mejor o para peor.
But time had passed and the hair turns grey, everything changes for better or worse.
En mi caso, se planteaba la posibilidad de ver en Varsovia a Killing Joke con Grave Pleasures o ver al día siguiente a GNR con Killing Joke en Gdansk. Y el tiempo transcurrido desde mi adolescencia hasta estos días decantó la balanza en favor de Killing Joke.
In my case, there was the chance to see Killing Joke in Warsaw with Grave Pleasures or see next day GNR with Killing Joke in Gdansk. And the journey through all the years since I was a teenager change his path towards Killing Joke.

Grave Pleasures
Y la decisión debo de decir que fue acertadísima.
And the decision I must say was very accurate.
Comenzaron el concierto Grave Pleasures que están formados por Matt McNerney y parte de sus colegas de Beastmilk. Con una música rock con toques depresivos y la envolvente voz de Matt, nos fueron trasladando a la esencia de su música.
Grave Pleasures were the support band to open the concert this day. The band was formed by Matt McNerney from the ashes of Beastmilk together with some new fresh blood. They bring us their mixture of rock music with some dark influences and the engaging voice and stage presence of Matt, we were transport to a nice journey through their music.

Grave Pleasures

Grave Pleasures

Grave Pleasures

Grave Pleasures
Canciones con un filo pop que encajaban a la perfección con Killing Joke, aunque no me pareciese tan evidente a la primera escucha. Pero, en el momento que comenzaron a tocar, sentí por completo la unión entre ambas bandas.
Songs with a pop or melodic edge that fit perfectly with Killing Joke, although even it wasn’t so obvious at first for me at the beginning. But, at the moment that they began to play, I completely felt the perfect bond between the music of both bands.
Añadieron algunos temas de Beastmilk para los nostálgicos de la banda (sus conciertos en el Roadburn y como teloneros de In Solitude en Wroclaw ya me dejaron una grata impresión).
They added some songs from Beastmilk for the band’s nostalgics (their concerts on Roadburn and as opening act for In Solitude in Wroclaw already left a great impact on me).

Grave Pleasures

Grave Pleasures

Grave Pleasures

Grave Pleasures
Grandiosa elección como grupo de apertura a Killing Joke.
Great choice as opening band to Killing Joke.
Y llegaba el momento del concierto de Killing Joke, bueno mas bien el conciertazo.
And the time came for Killing Joke’s concert, rather The Concert.

Killing Joke
Recorriendo temas a lo largo de gran parte de su discografía con varios de ellos de su album homónimo, fue una sucesión de temazos que nos pusieron a bailar de manera inmediata.
Going through a large part of his discography with a big bunch of them from their self-titled album, it was a succession of hits from their career that put us on a dancing trance immediately.

Killing Joke

Killing Joke

Killing Joke
La entrega del grupo fue completa y, en especial, de su cantante Jaz Coleman. Las malas lenguas hablan de su difícil carácter, pero en Varsovia demostró que estaba completamente conectado con el público, así que poco que objetar en ese aspecto.
The attitude and enthusiasm of the band was absolute and, especially, of their singer Jaz Coleman. The gossips rumours of a difficult character of him, but in Warsaw he was completely connected with the audience and that was the most important aspect for us, so no objection in that matter.

Killing Joke

Killing Joke

Killing Joke
Importante destacar la labor realizada por su batería en muchos temas en los que parecía una autentica caja de ritmos humana. Que manera de no perder el ritmo!!!!
I must outline the work done by their drummer on many songs in which he looked like a real human drum machine. What an incredible way to keep the tempo!!!!

Killing Joke

Killing Joke
Su listado de temas fue sublime, aquí dejo algunos de ellos.
Their list of songs was sublime, here I leave some of them.
The Wait
Autonomous Zone
Love Like Blood
European Super State
Sun Goes Down
I Am the Virus
Corporate Elect
The Death and Resurrection Show

Killing Joke
Debo de decir, que seguramente es uno de los conciertos que últimamente más me han impresionado. Una auténtica tormenta sonora que debemos de agradecer a Knock Out Productions y a la sala Progresja.
I must say, that surely it was one of the concerts that have impressed me most on recent times. An authentic sound storm that we must thank to Knock Out Productions and Progresja Club. An awesome concert.
Fue una autentica gozada, Killing Joke me han conquistado sin duda.
It was an authentic bliss, Killing Joke have conquered me without a doubt.

Killing Joke