Mi historia con Kamchatka se remonta a un viaje en Noviembre de 2009 a Frankfurt para ver a Clutch y Kylesa.
Aunque no conocía a la banda telonera intente llegar a tiempo, pero los amigos alemanes decidieron que iban a adelantar la hora de comienzo y así solo pude llegar a ver 2 canciones de Kamchatka.
Lo que oí me dejo con ganas de más, pero a lo largo del tiempo no fui capaz de conseguir volver a verlos en directo.
My story with Kamchatka goes back to a trip in November 2009 to Frankfurt to see Clutch and Kylesa.
Although I didn’t know the band, I tried to arrive in time, but the friendly Germans decided that they were going to advance the start time and so I could only get to see 2 songs.
The small time that I heard was really catchy, but in later times I wasn’t able to get back to see them live.





Esto se solucionó el pasado 19 de Febrero de 2019 cuando en la sala Dabadaba de San Sebastián pude asistir a su concierto dentro de la gira de su disco Long Road Made of Gold.
Debo de decir que la sala Dabadaba se ha vuelto en una de mis favoritas tanto por su propuesta musical como por su sonido. Wooden Shijps, Wrekmeister Harmonies o All Them Witches son algunos de los grupos de su programación más reciente.
This was solved on February when I attended their concert at Dabadaba in San Sebastian for their tour of the album Long Road Made of Gold.
I must say that the Dabadaba has become one of my favorites places to be regarding live music both for its musical proposal and for its sound. Wooden Shijps, Wrekmeister Harmonies or All Them Witches are some of the bands had performed there lately.




Pues el concierto de Kamchatka no defraudo en absoluto solo una afluencia poco generosa debido a que el concierto era un martes hizo un poco de menos el ambiente.
Debo decir que me llamó mucho la atención la implicación de la banda así como ver que estaban disfrutando en el escenario, especialmente su guitarrista y cantante Thomas Andersson. Curioso me resultó ver a Per Wiberg al bajo después de tantas veces viéndole tocar los teclados con Spiritual Beggars y Opeth.
Kamchatka’s concert didn’t disappoint at all, maybe just a little more attendance it would be nicer but the concert was on Tuesday.
I must say that I was very impressed by the involvement of the band as well as seeing that they were enjoying themselves on stage, especially their guitarist and singer Thomas Andersson. Curiously, I saw their bassist Per Wiberg him playing keyboards with Spiritual Beggars and Opeth before that I realized that he plays also with Kamchatka.




Su música se caracteriza por ser una mezcla deliciosa de hard rock con blues que te envuelve con sus melodías y que forma parte de ese catálogo musical que siempre te levanta el animo.
El concierto fue un recorrido por todo su carrera y en el bis incluyeron un par de temas de Devo que recibieron el tratamiento Kamchatka.
A mi parecer, un concierto genial que disfruté como un enano y sólo me apeno que poca gente disfrutase del mismo.
Espero que la recientemente anunciada gira con Clutch y Graveyard este invierno les de la oportunidad de ampliar su audiencia en España.
Their music is characterized by being a delicious mix of hard rock with blues that surrounds you with melodies and that is part of that musical catalog that always raises your spirits.
The concert was a tour throughout their discography and they included also at the end 2 Devo covers that received the Kamchatka treatment.
In my opinion, a great concert that I plenty enjoyed and it was a pity that only few people manage to catch them live.
I hope that the recently announced tour this winter with Clutch and Graveyard would give them ta chance for a bigger audience in Spain



El repertorio de esa noche fué:
The setlist was:
Out of my way
Stone cold shaky
Made of Gold
Slow Drifting Away
Tv Blues
Mixed Emotions
Son at the sea
Sing Along song
Auto Mowdown / Spacegirl Blues